Legal Solutions For A Brighter Tomorrowdivorce and Bankruptcy Done Right

At Adolf Law Office, we’ll help you navigate the complexities of family law and bankruptcy law with experience and empathy to secure your peace of mind.

Photo of Anthony T. Adolf
Photo of Anthony T. Adolf

Skilled Bankruptcy And Family Law Representation In Fort Wayne, Indiana

NACBA | National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
BBB | Accredited Business
My Local Lawyer Since 2001

How Can Bankruptcy Help You?

Sometimes, debt is just too much. Creditors won’t leave you alone, and you can’t keep up with bills. You could lose your car. You could lose your home. Or you could file bankruptcy. At Adolf Law Office, our firm is here to help you understand and apply for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. So what does bankruptcy do?

Bankruptcy stops:

  • Wage garnishment
  • Foreclosure
  • Creditor harassment
  • Collection hearings
  • Court cases
  • Credit card debt
  • Medical debt collections

We guide you through the complex bankruptcy process to put you on a path to a fresh future.

Skilled Bankruptcy And Family Law Representation In Fort Wayne, Indiana

Practice Areas

Family Law

When Your Family Changes

Getting a divorce? Need a paternity test? We are here to help. We know you are under stress. Whatever you may need – from divorce to modifications, protective orders, enforcement, relocation and more – our attorney will protect your rights and help you to move forward.

At Adolf Law Office, we understand that family matters are delicate and often emotionally charged. That’s why we approach each case with a blend of compassion and legal prowess, ensuring that your voice is heard and your concerns are addressed. We offer help in all facets of family law, and our seasoned attorney is adept at navigating the complexities of the legal system to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Our goal is not only to advocate for your legal rights but also to provide a pathway to a new beginning. Trust us to stand by your side every step of the way, from initial consultations to courtroom proceedings, as we strive to turn over a new leaf in your life with as much ease and clarity as possible.

Attorney Anthony T. Adolf

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